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BW Foundation Logo

Get to Know the Foundation

Founded in 1993 by a group of BW grown-ups, the Foundation’s objective is to fund present and future programs or projects designed to benefit the children at Benchley-Weinberger. 


The Benchley-Weinberger Foundation 501(c)3 hosts a variety of fundraisers to help make our school a better place. Our sponsors, families, and community are generous and enthusiastic in their support for our school, making these fundraisers both fun, and meaningful! We rely heavily on our volunteers to help organize and run these special events. With their help, we are able to make a positive difference for the school and the community.


We encourage you to join a meeting to learn more about how to get involved!

YOUR donations
in action!

Your support matters! Check out how the BW Foundation raises money, and the programs that that are made possible through your generous donations. 

Your donations to the Benchley-Weinberger Foundation have helped fund:

  • Supplemental teachers, including a dedicated reading interventionist and math interventionist

  • Art Program

  • Playground and PE equipment

  • School buses for field trips

  • Grade level enrichment funding

  • Campus improvements (turf and campus beautification)


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